Não sei se já sabiam, mas o Outono é a minha estação preferida.
Sabem aquelas pessoas que vêem um raio de sol e vestem logo o bikini para ir para a praia? Pronto, eu vejo uma folha a cair e já estou em tons vermelhos e laranjas, a comprar tudo de abóbora e a ver filmes de terror.
Então, uma querida amiga minha sugeriu fazer-mos um pic nic para celebrar a entrada da estação (com doce de abóbora e chá quentinho à mistura) e sugeriu-me também gravar um vídeo nesse dia sobre o Outono. Eu adorei a ideia e fomos pic nicar, fotografar e filmar e foi fantástico!
Este é o resultado, espero que gostem e que se inspirem para esta nova estação.
I don't know if you already knew, but Fall is my favorite season. You know those people that the moment they see a ray of sun dress up their bikinis and go to the beach? Well, me as soon as I see a leaf falling from a tree I'm all in red and orange tones, buying everything pumpkin and watching horror movies. So, a dear friend of mine suggested that we should do a pic nic to welcome the new season (with pumpkin jam and hot tea) and she also suggested that we should film a video on that day about Autumn. I loved the idea and we went pic nicking, photographing and filming and it was amazing! This is the final result, I hope you like it and that this inspires you for this new season.
E vocês Bunnies, quais são os vossos planos para este Outono?
And you Bunnies, what are your plans for this Fall?
You, I'm writing this for you and you only.
It's the last time I'll write about you, writing is part of my soul and you no longer belong there.
Writing is still one of my passions, one of my dreams, one that you didn't have the chance to steal.
You... You were like a God made creature to me.
Perfect in every little imperfection. You were funny, without trying hard. You would laugh at every strange joke I made. You were weird in your own special way...quirky...smart...goofy...amazing.................................
I was fascinated by you.
Until the day I failed you, and even after that, you were there for me... anytime...all the time... you were my world.
I protected you.
I defended you.
I supported you.
I believed in you.
I trusted you.
I loved you...
You. Failed. Me. You. Did. It. On. Purpose. You. Did. It. For. Revenge. You. Destroyed. One. Of. My. Biggest. Dreams.
You. Knew. It.
For years I told you how big that dream was to me.
For years I felt bad for letting you down.
For years I fought for your forgiveness.
For years I fought for our friendship.
For years I fought for our love.
You dared to let me believe that everything was going to be ok. You dared to build new dreams on my head. You dared to make me want those new dreams. You dared to convince me to put my dream on your hands.
You destroyed it all.
You became mean.
You became a liar.
You became a traitor.
You became evil.
You were no longer that special creature full o light and joy that I trusted and loved so deeply. You became like the others...
O post de hoje é sobre um dos produtos revelação do ano (pelo menos para mim) - Os Selfie Powders da Too Faced.
A marca Too Faced tem vindo a tornar-se uma das minhas marcas de eleição e o lançamento de produtos deste género é um dos principais motivos.
Today's post is about one of this year's revelation products (at least for me) - The Selfie Powders by Too Faced. Too Faced is becoming one of my favorite brands of all time and the launching of products like this is one of the reasons why.
Selfie Powders
Os Selfie Powders são pós de rosto correctores de cor e luz. Basicamente são ideais para aquele acabamento profissional nas fotos sem precisarem de programas de edição de imagem.
Em si parece que não têm uma cor por aí além, mas depois de aplicados nas zonas correctas a diferença é considerável.
Se eu acho indispensável para toda a gente? Não.
É um produto quase profissional, que faz diferença sim, mas que tenho a certeza que para a maioria das pessoas essa diferença não vai fazer com que elas gastem 35€ numa paleta de pós.
No entanto, se de facto gostas de ter aquele look imaculado nas fotos e valorizas imenso os pequenos detalhes do rosto, então este produto vai ser dos teus preferidos.
Selfie Powders are color and light correcting face powders. Basically, they are ideal for that professional finish on your photos without the need of using photo editing programs.
On their own they don't seem to have much color payoff, but after you apply them to the correct areas the difference is quite noticeable.
If I think this product is mandatory for everyone? No.
It's almost a pro product, that makes a difference, but I'm sure it's not a difference that will make people spend 35€ on a powder palette.
On the other hand, if you like to have that pristine look on your photos and if you do value the little face details a lot, you will find that this product is going to be one of your favorite.
O meu pó preferido de todos. Se a Too Faced fizesse este pó isolado eu compraria de certeza.
Eu uso na zona das olheiras e nas zonas onde normalmente colocaria iluminador e este pó dá um ar de saúde e de acordada ao rosto.
É perfeito, ficamos com um rosto fresco e liso.
This is by far my favorite powder of them all. So much that if Too Faced decided to make this powder on its own I would buy it for sure.
I use it on the dark circle area and on the areas that I would normally wear illuminator and this powder gives you a healthy and awake look to your face.
It's perfect, you'll get a fresh and smooth face.
Totally Toasted
Este pó serve para termos aquele rosto bronzeado sem as marcas definidas do bronzer. No entanto, não apliquem no rosto todo...apenas não fica bem.
This powder gives you that tanned look without the straight lines from the bronzer. However, don't put it all over your face...it just wont look good.
Moon River
Talvez o pó com a cor mais estranha de toda a paleta, mas não é difícil de usar.
Eu utilizo exactamente nas mesmas zonas que o Sunrise, a diferença é que a tonalidade deste pó é um pouco mais fria, dá luz na mesma, mas num tom mais frio.
Para mim é perfeito para sair à noite ou para o Inverno.
Maybe the weirdest looking powder from all palette, but it's not hard to use.
I use this powder exactly on the same areas as Sunrise, the difference is that this is a more cool toned powder, it gives you light but in a cooler tone.
For me it's perfect for going out at night or for winter time.
Então o que acharam deste produto? Compravam ou passavam?
So what do you think about this product? Would you buy it or pass it?